Scott - Evans 1-2
Nineteen Eighty Six | The Gulf | Apathy | Technology | Flotation | |
Eighty Five
Nineteen eighty five, The
year of the rich. Tory
parliamentary hive! These
dictators democracy fix. Minority
government The
peoples assets strip. The
poor lose the argument, Their
unions forced to trip, Money
speaks louder Buys
lawyers decrees. Rich
getting richer Live
in freedom and ease. Homeless
poor are harassed Sleep
in boxes and bedsits, Losing
their freedom Their
jobs are stolen For
shareholders profits. Rich
robbers plunder our country Can
you not see? In
this land of the free. World
arms dealers Their
profits increase Speculating
war will not cease. Send
weapons not water For
African drought, Grain
barons give no quarter Saying
“nought for nought” So
store wheat for ever Until
prices rise. People
starve in front of their eyes. When
will they wake up? Put
people first So
love and aid be “Live” Always,
not just in Nineteen Eighty Five.
Eighty Six
Now it is Nineteen Eighty Six The
“International Year of Peace” The
year we hope all war will cease. The
year world leaders meet as friends So
that the nuclear nightmare ends. With
reconciliation and cooperation Between
people of every nation Let
us all begin to share, and care For
all people everywhere In
our one small world, in Nineteen
Eighty Six April 1986
October 1990 Here we go again Contention,
quarrelling Like
children over toys, Greedy
governments and oil. Weapons
dished out to the boys Transported
then to foreign soil. Prepare
to die Same
old thing Same
old lie. Western
pressure Arabian abyss. Rambo
prescence on Arab land, Indigenous
population to control Same
old fallacious words, Democracy,
freedom, Freedom
for wealthy nations To
exploit and devide. The
Gulf a whirlpool of deceit Where
wealthy still the poor deride War
cannot adjudicate War
only proves, Might is Right The
theory perpetuated By
the weapon trade The
United Nations has a role World
arbitrator grade, Disputes
must be settled there In
conference not combat. The
Gulf then happiness shall give A
homeland for the Palestinians A
peaceful solution So
all may live.
Thought and action, Too
much trouble. Better
not burst Comforts
bubble. Let
television soap Mind
and body dope. A
sinister ploy For
reality a decoy. Yawn
through life, Never
see strife. Blinkered,
easier blind To
the injustices of mankind. With
brain asleep Evil
status quo keep. Don’t
care and don’t knows, So
anything goes. Line
of least resistance, Unruffled,
smug existence. December 1987
People machines Computer
controlled. Programmed
life Autocratically
cajoled. Names
on national data file Authoritarian
details compile. Poll
tax numbered While
citizens slumbered. Why,
when, where, who, Census
details, whole life through. Government
injunctions rife, all Media
opposition stifled Taxes
wasted on litigation Robs
the poor of the nation. So
compassion whittled away By
materialist greed today. Selfish
yuppies fail to see Cardboard
box homeless, in their vicinity. Criteria,
a profit at all cost, Even
though the nations soul is lost Unlike
computers, people can think, Are
dismayed to see worthwhile values shrink. Oh!
There is so much to change, A
caring, humane world to arrange. January 1988
steals from the nation. Profit
for the few. Private
monopolies gain. But
who owns the rain? Shareholders
in greed, Forget
others need. Minerals
God given. So,
who owns the rain? Not
only pollution Runs
down the drain, But
compassion and caring. We
all own the rain. November
Pub PoetsJust
a little booze Can
inspire a bar muse. Tankard
of beer drinker Becomes
Rodins thinker.
Pub poets, Literary
euphoria, Happy
and gloria. Many
a glass of ale Could
tell a fine tale, Thoughts
deep and fine Philosophy
in a glass of wine.
Pub poets, Literary
euphoria, Happy
and gloria. Plans
for better days to come, Sealed
in glasses of gin and rum. Ideas
that sparkle with champagne, Often
fizzle out homewards in the rain.
Pub poets, Literary
euphoria, Happy
and gloria. Profoundest
of all a glass of stout, Injustice,
poverty, homelessness out. Many
teetotallers drink Kaliber, These
imbibers world harmony prefer.
Pub poets, Literary
euphoria, Happy
and gloria. March 1989
sea is calm, Not
a breath of wind, Grey
mist everywhere. In
the channel Ghostly
ships pass by With
woeful sounds. Shrimp
gatherers and lugworm diggers Are
vaguely seen, like spirits, On
the damp, misty shore. Sounds
drift in the air, Muffled,
as if with cotton wool. On
the cliff, hazy figures With
dogs walk by. Everything
is dreamlike, And
oh, so peaceful. Come
out of the mist into reality. The
world is not peaceful, Unless
we, the people, make it so. There
is shopping to do, And
it is nearly lunchtime.
and birdsong Quiet
starlit night Laughter,
with friends along Meditation,
birds in flight Fresh
sweet air to breathe Smell
of new mown hay Woodland,
blossoms, butterflies wreathe Warm
sunshine, colours gay Early
morning dew on grass Scent
of garden flowers in bloom Mountains
and lakes still like glass Books
to read in silent room Gentle
murmur of honey bees Winding
footpath, country lane Ancient
grandeur of forest trees Flora
and fauna habitat contain Rain
on parched earth Natures
green revolution, Beautiful
music, classical rebirth Love
and peace in profusion No
profit here, non sought The
quality of life cannot be bought September
of capitalism Materialism,
greed Mans
inhumanity to man Fall
brown leaves Obscene
nightmare violence Nuclear
weapon threat In
ghostly autumn mist Multi
million arms dealers Need
create an enemy spectre Skeleton
trees, starkly bare Hung
with frosty spiders webs Plots
to catch more than a fly Burn
leaves, destroy Misunderstanding,
Misconception Hatred
deliberately spread Smoke
rising, spirits too Looking
forward to spring Love
and co-operation A
green word A
World without war November 1984
are you doing to our World You
with the power to
corrupt You
have poisoned men’s minds With
mass sedition so cunning They
do not even know they are traitors to humanity Television
and radio at your beck and call You
spread unending lies and propaganda Manipulating
newspapers to spawn hatred And
contempt for life You
got your power through devious ways and some men’s votes, this small
percentage This
undemocratic “democracy” Does
not give you the right to play “God” Yet
you usurp by coercion, the power of life and death For
billions of people, the quality of their life The
destruction of the World This
is not your mandate, your orbit is not “celestial” Seeking
not the ways of peace, but spreading enmity and strife Your
judgement is marred by greed and avarice By
hatred and revenge, Take heed As
with all men, your decisions are imperfect, not Divine. June 1980
Talk of freedom, a “slogan”, without thinking You,
with your small minds And
large bank balances. What
can you possibly know about the poor? Their
freedom! Third-world, third class life, Freedom
to starve without your aid. Where
is this freedom? In
mansions away from the crowd, for you, What
do you know about the masses? Their
second-class freedom in an affluent society! How
can you judge what is best for them? People,
to make money for your freedom, In
an industrial wilderness, Living
in a concrete jungle. Profits
made to be hoarded away in distant lands, for you! Freedom
for the few, while the many have freedom denied trade unions, unless
they are toothless lions, government tamed sheep. You
everlastingly talk of “freedom” Where
is the freedom for the slum-dwellers? How
much freedom has the man on the dole? What
freedom of spirit for people Condemned
to spend their lives Creating
death-weapons in order to live? The
real freedom is sharing, With
people everywhere, The
natural wealth and beauty of the world, Caring
for all men, for the welfare of all people, With
joy and peace and love.