Francesco Sinibaldi 1-2-3-4 - 5

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D’amato ritorno.

A loving return.

New springs in Malibu.

Désespérément dévoué à toi. If you could read my mind.
If you could read my mind.
Odo il suo canto. Soave ed invernale canto. Nouvelle et hivernale chanson. Thank you for the music / New mornings in Sweden. italiano Thank you for the music / New mornings in Sweden. inglese The girl with golden hairs.italiano
The girl with golden hairs.(inglese) Chanson éternelle. I think, Paul…. La vecchierella ed il pastore. La farfalla di Ortisei. That’s Olivia / The song of your life. (Italiano)
That’s Olivia / The song of your life (inglese)

(dedica ad Umberto Montefameglio)

La paix infinie dans le printemps. (italiano) La paix infinie dans le printemps.
Onde lieto è il chiaror…. If you were here today. (inglese)
Come fato in giovinezza. Meadville, sometimes….(italiano) Meadville, sometimes…. (inglese) La voix de la nouvelle saison.(francese)

Come augello in cantilena.

With a sound in the air.
Al suon del dì novello. This is your England / Thanks Elton. Je pense, Paul… At daybreak, playing the piano / Paul’s memory. I think, Sue… La vendange et le soleil du matin.
Sleep, little darling. At the riverside, near a grave-stone. And always, in a similar manner… This is the answer. Only words. Como luz infinita.
And always, remember…. I’ll be there. Just so. In the light of a fine day / Good morning Princess. The light of a fine day / Good morning Princess. When Paul said….



The light of a fine day / Good morning Princess.

( other version )


In the dead of

night, when a

charming breath

discovers the taste

of an intense emotion,

and sometimes, a

magical care returns

on your sensible

hand, and always,

Louise, like water

in stream, a delicate

sight reappears in

the darkness….. 





When Paul said….


In the sound

of a darkness and while

a delicate wind

again fades away,

a magical voice appears

light as a feather,

and always, when a

weeping willow presents

the song of a blackbird

and a wasted desire,

I try to forget

a luminous vision;

that sun disappears,

the care of a sadness

invents the profile

of a beautiful day

and then, at the same

time, I turn in

a marvel remembering

the words, when

Paul said: “..and anytime

you feel the pain…”.


Just so.



Refined is a

blackbird reaching

the trace near the

sound of a woodland,

and always, when

a tall steeple- chase

describes an emotion,

feeble and calm

is the delicate song

coming around

like a frightened leaf

in the care of a

darkness: and just so 

for me, while the

sun fades away….






In the light of a fine day / Good morning Princess.


In the dead of

night, when a

charming breath

discovers the taste

of an intense emotion,

and sometimes, a

magical care returns

on your sensitive

hand, and always,

Louise, like water

in stream, a delicate

sight reappears in

the darkness…..  



And always, remember….


Near a waterfall, at the mercy of the wind

and when a delicate leaf solicits a bird in

the light of a sunrise, I see your profile;

with a gentle behaviour you make a request

to the sound of a sorrow, you’re praying to

the sun, and when a weeping arrives on your

delicate face recalling the past and a wasted

sweetheart remember, my grace, and always

reflect: it’s only a deception, and so it doesn't

matter, there’s even the sunshine when a light

fades away…. 





I’ll be there.


Listening to the sound of a deep little

brook, and going to a watering-place,

a delicate care returns in my head; the

wind fades away while I climb to the top

of a mountain, and when a dove makes

a pleasure with a beautiful flight, therefore,

in a moment, a forcible voice reappears

in the dark: and I’ll be there, like a light

in the sunrise….. 


Only words.


Like a sweet melody arising alone

near the sound of a blackbird, remember,

by night, and listen to me: these are

only words, and so for the most part.

But when the sun of the morning returns

in the darkness with a delicate wind,

when a sorrow arrives like a beautiful

sound at the foot of the mountain, when

your crying overcomes, remember, my

care, there’s even a pleasure in the light

of a sunrise…






Como luz infinita.



Amado es un limpido sueño que dulce depone

el sabor de la mágica noche; este sol es brillante

como lumbre infinita, y cuando el son de la vida

invita el pasado a la nueva estación, asi, en el

viento, la preciada poesía presenta una luz: y

recuerda el amor, la canción espléndida de la

nueva mañana, el primer fugitivo.




At the riverside, near a grave-stone.


With a desolate

soul, and when the

dark of a silent

morning recalls me

remarking a dream

and a hurtful story,

I see your profile;

a tender delight

remembers the sleep

of the mournful season,

and that grave,

in a delicate care,

gives me the answer

to the pain of

the nature: and a light

everywhere, a delicate

leaf arising alone

when their sun

fades away….. 







And always, in a similar manner…


Remembering the sound of a beautiful night,

and waiting for a pleasure, I see a delicate

leaf arriving alone near a golden portrait ; the

wind fades away, the care of a blackbird

discovers a dream and always, in a similar

manner, a sullen desire describes an emotion…..








This is the answer.


In the dead

of winter, when

the sound of

the nature arrived

near a luminous care,

in the darkness,

I saw her with a

graceful dress and

a sullen behaviour;

the bird ran away

like a painful dreamer,

a loving profile

returned in a marvel

and then, in a moment,

a delicate wind

discovered the sun: she

said “let it be”, and

this is the answer……





Sleep, little darling.


In the dead of night, while a sound

disappears forgetting an answer and a

beautiful care, sleep little darling; your

eyes appear in the air reading aloud a

delicate story, a moving profile returns

in the dark, and when a line fades away

describing a soul and a sullen desire,

remember, alone, the light of a sunrise…



I think, Sue…


The magical sunshine arrives near a dream

like a luminous darkness in a golden design;

and while the sound of a blackbird appears

in a pleasure remembering the youth, while

a candle escapes recalling the sign of a

beautiful care, when a crying overcomes,

I think, Sue, there’s even a flame in the light

 of a sunrise….








At daybreak, playing the piano / Paul’s memory.


When the light

of a new morning

arrives near

a balcony touching

sounds and delicate

marvels, I hear

a voice; an eternal

sadness, taking

care of me, invents

the profile of

a luminous candle,

the rain fades

away remembering

the time of a

fallen desire and

then, in the sunshine,

your delicate care

discovers a dream….. 







La vendange et le soleil du matin.


J’écoute une belle

niche délabrée

ou la sort de la nouvelle

saison décrit le

décor d’une force

infinie, e comme

la douce mélodie

retourne par le son

du tendre chemin,

j’attends, dans la vie,

la chanson de la chèvre. 


This is your England / Thanks Elton.


Sometimes, when a

lively moss-rose

arrives near a

pebble recalling

a tern and a

beautiful smile, a

delicate candle

extends a distraction

like a gentle

footpath in the crying

of your feeling

and then, in a perfume,

the sound of a

swallow returns

in the air.




Je pense, Paul…


Une tendre musique reflète la lumière 

qui naît en silence dans le son de la vie;

et quand le rayon du premier matin

rappelle la jeunesse en donnant une pensée,

quand la voix de la mer décrit le chemin

comme un chant en poésie, quand j'écoute

l'harmonie, je pense, Paul, il y a le désir

dans la fugitive neige.



With a sound in the air.


Beautiful sounds of a past atmosphere

 restore to life a luminous candle, like

 a fading leaf at the end of a pleasure;

 the sun fades away, a delicate swallow

 returns in the nest and then, when a

 feeling comes back, your beautiful eyes

appear in the air: and a crying overcomes,

a magical fate recalling the youth, with

a weeping inside.






Al suon del dì novello.


Al nascere mesto di un dolce sorriso, e

al morir della quiete, odo mille barlumi

adagiarsi nel cheto di un ombroso ritorno;

la timida fronda, al par del chiarore che

lieto vanisce, s’adagia spossata alla foce

del cuore, s’illumina mesta mirando nel

sole il fiorir della vita ed al fine, al suon

della voce, nel vento dimora al morir del

mattino: e mi rinvien l’eterno, il cader

 perpetuo delle fuggitive fronde, il suon

della novella piova.








La voix de la nouvelle saison.

Comme le souffle léger qui doucement
revient, le matin, dans les sons de la fugitive
neige, j'écoute une pensée et une douce
mélodie; la lumière du soleil rappelle, en
silence, la musique de la délicate prairie,
un amour récite une poème et encore, dans
la val, la couleur de la mort reflète une
poésie: et j'écoute l'harmonie, la douloureuse
chant de l’aimable jeunesse, les pleurs du




Come augello in cantilena.

( altra versione )


Nel cuor del

passerotto, ridente

a cinguettar nel

canto il suon della

novella piova, e

onde lieto e sì fugace

s’apre un tulipano,

odo infinito quel

magico vanto,

d’augello il volo

al limitar de sole

e ancor gaudente,

e in fuggitivo pianto,

d’amor dipinto

il fior degli anni tuoi.


Come fato in giovinezza.

( In ricordo di Alessandro).

Funereo spirto

e addolorate voci,

al rimembrar d’un pianto,

onde lieta e pensosa

s’annuncia a quel sole

soffusa la quiete

di codesta armonia.

Al suon perpetuo

del mattino, e al

sovvenir d’un canto,

onde eterna

quella luce risplendea,

ridente e vivo

ancor miravi in fior

la giovinezza, al par

dell’aurora che

lieta svanisce: e codesta

apparìa, come

augello beato adagiato

nel pianto e alla

candida mano.






Meadville, sometimes….


Soave par d’ella

la docile chioma,

raccolta e gentile nel

fragile canto

all’aspetto donato.

Al suon del mattino,

onde incerto un

chiarore fugge al

fresco cader

della novella piova,

intra veli e nuvolette,

odo leggiadra la

mano rimare nei

respiri della candida

tela, ed un gentil

sorriso, d’occhietti

la luce e del tenero

cuore l’infinita poesia.




Meadville, sometimes….


A tender behaviour,

where a ray of

light discovers a

pleasure and a delicate

sadness; in the

cloudy morning,

when a luminous

reason escapes with

the soul of a fugitive

rain, sweetly, and

in perpetual sound,

your sensitive

hand arrives near

a fountain, and there,

on the surface,

a candle of love

appears on your eyes.




  ( Ad Antonella )


Ove fioca è la voce del nuovo tramonto,

 ricorda a quel sole la lieta armonia di quel

magico tempo, ridona un chiarore ad un

soffio beato, richiama l’eterno, ed al fine,

 più lieto, rinasci d’immenso.






If you were here today.

( In memory of John Lennon )


 It’s easy to speak in the sunshine

 that never returns, remembering a

 pleasure, like a delicate leaf falling

 alone in the song of your painful

 heart; and when a sorrow comes back

 in a feeble and tender delight, I hear

 your image, a desolate dark while

 my crying overcomes.





La paix infinie dans le printemps.


Mentre il sole,

dimorando nei mattini,

accende un barlume

ed un canto perpetuo,

frotte di teneri

augelli fan canti

di pace al sopir

di una dolce emozione;

e codesto, nel cuore,

par quasi un diletto,

una fronda appassita

che rimembra il dolore

e un sorriso d’eterno.





La paix infinie dans le printemps.


Pendant que le soleil,

qui rappelle la jeunesse,

allume un reflet et

une chanson naturelle,

groupes de tendres

oiseaux inventent

une lumière pour calmer

la douce émotion;

et ici, dans le coeur,

paraît presque un projet,

une feuille désolée

qui décrit la douleur 

et un sourire infini.










D’umana e solitaria

sorte appar la

collina ove fulge,

in rinnovato canto

ed in pietosa

e tremante mano,

codesto pensiero.

Intrisa d’amore

è la candida tela,

e lieto e modesto è

il sapor di quel

sogno che siede

silente a membrare

una voce ed un cheto

sorriso; e come

questo si desta nel

chiarore infinito

del primo mattino,

così, nel suo viso,

odo un canto morire:

e sovviemmi il dolore,

nel vento leggero

che soffia beato,

nei suoni d’eterno.



Composizione dedicata al ricordo del Direttore della Montedit
Umberto Montefameglio.








That’s Olivia / The song of your life.


Dolce lo sguardo,

adagiato nei soffi

d’un candido lume,

e viva e ridente

onde nasce, nel primo

mattino, il sapor

della voce che rimembra

del canto l’infinito

richiamo, e di lei

quel pensiero.

Quel mite sentiero

d’immenso rifulge,

come acqua in







That’s Olivia / The song of your life


A romantic look,

in the breath

of a rising wind,

and always refined,

early in the morning,

when the voice’s

pleasure remembers

a care to the

chiming of the bells;

that gentle footpath

is the song of

your life, and a

beautiful sunshine

describes an emotion

when the sunset






La vecchierella ed il pastore.


Onde rosato

e a tratti vago

risorge quel silente

tramonto, e d’augelli

festosi s’ode nel canto

festeggiare il mattino,

poggiando la mano

sulle sponde di un

siepo baciato dal sole,

la vecchierella piange,

in sul nascer del

dolore.Geme d’eterno

di quel lontan

diletto che solea,

in giovinezza, mirare

e poi lieta sognar

del suo ritorno

il fischettar d’un canto.





La farfalla di Ortisei.


Come augello

in allegria, e onde

lieto s’appresta

il tuo diletto

a rimirar del sole

il fuggitivo canto,

veggoti, incoronata,

a passeggiar sui ghiacci.

Ridente in giovinezza,

come piova mattutina

che al nugoletto

posa ancor mirando,

in suo poter, del

candido passato

il fior degli anni tuoi.




Composizione dedicata al pattinatrice italiana Carolina Kostner.

Chanson éternelle.

Quand le souffle du premier matin retourne,

doucement, dans un clair intérieur, j’écoute

une pensée, le repos de le vent et une sort de

jeunesse qui rappelle la musique comme une

tendre lumière sur le chant de la vie: et j’écoute

l’harmonie, la nouvelle émotion qui reflète un

douleur, la fugitive neige.







 A delicate voice returns in a pleasure

 forgetting a dream; a light fades away,

 and when a feeling comes back recalling

  intentions and tender ideas, when the star

in the sky makes evident a joy, when my

sunshine overcomes, I think, Paul, there’s

even a reason where a sorrow delights…..


The girl with golden hairs.


Il tramonto rosato

e a tratti silente

d’incanto ritorna

ove nasce un sorriso,

e nel soffio

dell’amato bagliore;

s’odon vagare

le miti atmosfere

d’un tempo passato,

ma tu sei nel

canto, la dolce

ragazza dai capelli




The girl with golden hairs.


The weak and

delightful sunset

returns, magically,

where a moss-rose 

appears and a blast

of air imagines

a flower; I hear

the fine atmosphere

of a fabulous past,

and you’re in a

song, the northern

girl with golden








Thank you for the music / New mornings in Sweden.


Al limitar del primo

sole, quando il

soffio del mattino

rimembra l’attimo

di una nuova

stagione, odo voci

festose cantar

nell’arietta  ed in

tremuli raggi;

capelli dorati e

castani, ed un lieve

sorriso a donare

all’immenso un

chiaror fuggitivo.











Thank you for the music / New mornings in Sweden.


In the pure air

of the morning,

when a gentle

breeze remembers

instantly the November

fog, I hear merry

voices singing

happily where a

ray disappears;

black and blond

hairs, and a restless

smile presenting

memories and

fugitive glimmers.


Odo il suo canto.

( Composizione dedicata alla ginnasta italiana Vanessa Ferrari )


A prova d’augello

ridente e gioioso,

e come fronda

fuggitiva, odo il suo

canto volteggiar

nei pensieri e dolcemente

posarsi, ove nasce

quel sorriso.

Austera e leggiadra,

siccome suol

la femminetta rimare

nel tempo l’amato

e più triste giaciglio.

S’innalza festosa,

sicura la chioma al

limitar del sole,

e Nadia nel cuore,

l’amore di un pianto

che lieto svanisce.






Soave ed invernale canto.


Il lento cader

dei fuggitivi fiocchi,

quando un canto

ritorna e dimora

nel chiarore della sera,

di nuovo regala

una lieta canzone,

ed al fine

s’innalza, infinito

e leggiadro; odo

il mesto vociare

dell’antica stagione,

ed un soffio beato

ove il suono gioisce.





Nouvelle et hivernale chanson.


La musique étonnante

de la fugitive neige,

quand le silence

revient et invente  

un sourire, encore

donne émotions délicates,

et doucement elle fleurit,

perpétuelle et légère;

j'écoute la douleur

chanter dans le temps

mortel, et un souffle

frileux quand un 

oisillon repart.












If you could read my mind.


Nel chiaro

nascente del tuo

candido sole

odo un pensiero,

una luce che vaga


un bagliore adagiato

nel pianto d’un

eterno sorriso;

ed ancora quel fiore,

e codesta canzone,

infinita e fugace.










If you could read my mind.


In the brightness

arising like

a beam of light

I hear an answer,

a pleasing voice

recalling a glimmer

placed in the sun

as eternal ideas,

and ever a flower,

a beautiful song,

perpetual and fleeting.





New springs in Malibu.


The new morning,

when a blackbird

arises describing

pictures of a fine day,

and a crying

overcomes in the

light of your heart,

warm and beautiful,

returns: I hear

perpetual sounds

in the ray of

that sunshine, and

everywhere a canticle,

a little refrain

remembering a whisper

and a delicate voice.





Désespérément dévoué à toi.
Fragile est un chant  
dans le souffle  
d'une nuit magique,  
couchant ta main
sur une feuille de papier, 
descendant les marches,  
vers un jardin fleuri.  
Malheureuse la vue,  
et un froid dans ton  
coeur, une intime   
lumière dans les doux  
reflets d'une triste  
émotion : et un pleur  
survient, rappelle
la jeunesse, les larmes  
aux yeux.

D’amato ritorno.


Le verdicce e fuggitive

fronde, allor

che il cielo imbruna

e decanta del piovo

l’adorata armonia,

e una voce d’eterno

mi torna nel cuore,

come un pianto

s’adagian spossate,

ma ridenti nel sole.

Odo infinito

il richiamo d’un

cheto pensiero,

ed accanto

a un sorriso, lieto

al prodigio e di nuovo

vivente, il vociar

delle morte nature.






A loving return.


The greenish

and fugitive leaf,

when the heaven

turns dark

describing an amiable

quietness, and

eternal voices return

in my heart,

like a weeping

lies down

on a tender delight.

I hear perpetual

reminders of a mortal

caprice, and near

the hedge a speaking

portrait supposes

a pleasure.





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